Sunday, February 08, 2009

Whispers become Shouts

Valley of Death
Ronery in the Sky with Diamonds
We Glow With Pride
War Against Britain!
HaHa, Your on Candid Camera, Infidel!


Mr roT said...

The national chocolate of Venezuala is called "El Rey". It's no good, by the way.

Tecumseh said...

Intelligence briefings for Mr Obama have detailed a dramatic escalation in American espionage in Britain, where the CIA has recruited record numbers of informants in the Pakistani community to monitor the 2,000 terrorist suspects identified by MI5, the British security service. A British intelligence source revealed that a staggering four out of 10 CIA operations designed to thwart direct attacks on the US are now conducted against targets in Britain.

Ah, don't worry, be happy, says Pepe. It's all Bush's fault anyhow. Close down Gitmo, and put them all on welfare! One size fits all universal pinko solution.

Mr roT said...

AA, what a collection. I will have to add it to the dogpile.