India, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, the EU, Daschle, et al., against Gates-Petraeus-Odierno, and a sure disaster with Russia. Extraordinary backpedal on renditions. Brakes in Gitmo mil tribunals and releases. Abortions for all. I'm so ronery in the DPRK.
Is this a fairly complete list?
Dogshits are piling up so fast that I forgot this, and this.
I propose keeping a running tab, but Carter Redux is already outcartering Carter.
Is this that thing about a tragedy being replayed as a farce or what?
Holy shit -- I didn't know about this: slash each country’s stockpile of nuclear weapons by 80 per cent. The radical treaty would cut the number of nuclear warheads to 1,000 each. What? With an arsenal fast becoming obsolete (and rather unreliable, due to lack of testing), this amount of degradation of our nuclear deterrent would be extremely destabilizing. And, remember, it's not only the Rooskies out there with nukular bombs: there are also the Chinese, North Koreans, etc, etc, with Iran coming up fast. If we get down to 1,000 warheads, we're talking a level below the Chinese. In other words, almost no deterrent left at all. We are truly fokked then...
I think the proposal will go tits-up in about (what's the half-life on Obama's big fucking stupid ideas now?) 3 days.
Some hardliner red-scare types in congress, some real anti-terrorism= anti-communism types will trash this.
I am thinking of like Al Franken or John Kerry.
If we have to wait for Al Franken to save us, we are truly up shit creek -- may as well pack it in, and raise the white flag (which is Pepe's dearest wish, anyhow).
nous sommes tous cons
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