Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Falsifiable Prediction from Debka

A few years ago ROT got all het up by Debka's miserable track record in the "Where In the World is Bin Laden" game; deemed their methods unsound, their motives suspect. In truth, the Bin Laden sweepstakes was very embarassing for Debka, or should have been. Yet, over the intervening years, I've found Debka's predictions or reports to be generally sound--particularly if it was to do with events which they considered to be related to Israel's security. In any case, here they make a firm prediction as to what Da One's administration will "do' about The Radiant Ronery. A nice falsifiable prediction which events in the next few months should settle. Will be interesting to see what the results of this experiment will be.


Tecumseh said...

Tehran took note of the Obama administration's inaction when North Korea launched its long-range Taepodong-2 missile on April 5 even though the Americans knew an underground nuclear test was on the way. Iran will be even more encouraged by Washington's "political" response to the nuclear test itself to go forward with preparations for its own test.
What's all this about? Don't these guys know we gotta expand the Nanny State 10-fold? Let's just pretend they don't exist. It's all Bush's fault, anyhow.

Mr roT said...

Hilarious microscreed, AA! So now we're supposed to trust you to judge soundness?

I hope not of mind!

Arelcao Akleos said...

Rot, how was reporting your opinion of Debka a "screed" at all? And where in what I wrote was there any claim you were to trust anything at all, far less something as particular as my judgement of its soundness?
Debka came out with a falsifiable prediction, and one that is both simply empirical and one whose test should come soon enough. The administration has set out a "tough adjectives" response, as a link [of yours?] noted. Debka claims that talk is simply prelude to a shrugging the shoulder "hey, why me worry?" wide stance from the Obamaklowns. If in a few months NK has suffered some serious consequences from us [and not just symbolic gestures] then Debka will be shown to be wrong. If in a few months NK has suffered nothing but a few minutes here or there in teleprompter time, then they will have been shown to be right.
Hilarious misfiring, Rot, the sort of comes from too long nearer to Nawlins than is healthy for a purportedly Laser guided intellect. Since it seems your hopes are being realized, try having hope of mind and not not mind.

Mr roT said...

Sorry, AA. I was being gratuitously contrary.