Friday, May 22, 2009

Joys of Pepean health care

This means the oft-repeated promise that “if you are happy with your current insurance, you can keep it” is untrue. Millions of Americans who are currently satisfied with their coverage will have to give it up and purchase the insurance the government wants them to have, even if the new insurance is more expensive or covers benefits the buyer does not want. And Pepe will snicker, gleefully.

It is estimated that privately insured patients pay $89 billion annually in additional insurance costs because of cost-shifting from government programs. If the new public option would have similar reimbursement policies, it would result in additional cost-shifting of as much as $36.4 billion annually. Such cost-shifting would force insurers to raise their premiums, making them even less competitive with the taxpayer-subsidized public plan. Lewin Associates estimates that as many as 118.5 million Americans, nearly two out of every three people with insurance, would shift to the government program. The result would be a death spiral for private insurance. That's the whole idea. Nationalizing the health industry is a basic Socialist tenet.


Pepe le Pew said...

it would be reduced to little more than a public utility, operating much like the electric company, with the government regulating every aspect of its operation

Boy, am I going to lose out from the disappearance of these pre-existing condition clauses.

Tecumseh said...

Yeah, right, I'm so reassured by Pepe's assurances. I rather trust a used-Chevy salesman.