Monday, May 25, 2009

The Wages of Dithering

Yeah, Obama has been criminally gutless in the last few months on this sort of dreck. But Bush II was gutless for 8 years on the same issue, as was the Ubergutless Bill Clinton. Near 20 years of irresponsibility and ostrichism on this issue. Now, Kaboom. Bet Japan is thinking of going Nuclear in no time flat.
Of course, Obama [as Bush II came to, by the end] are betting Israel's life, and the ultimate wellbeing of the West, on the kindness of the Radioactive Iranian Mullahs; and their expansionist ideological drive makes The Ronery One look like a chihuahua before a rottweiler.
There is no measuring the bottom of human stupidity.


Pepe le Pew said...

Well, it is hard to conceive of an event that better placates those of us who have been advocating focusing foreign policy on actual dangers rather than imaginary ones.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Uh, no. Your track record has been a superb one of trying to get us to pretend real dangers don't exist. Now that this is patently a real danger, expect the PP MSMers and their Pewk to go into overdrive mode to convince all that this is fact not a danger at all, just a happy little bouquet of Love from those poor victims of the BusHitChimphenyNeoKKKon Kabal. That will provide nice cover to the Radioactive Mullahs to offer their little bouquets. They have promised 11 good days to their fave babe, that saucy Israel wench, and they aim to deliver a Hell of a good time.
Pepe, being the gent we've come to expect from PPSocia, will dutifully do his bit as the local fellow traveler.

Tecumseh said...

Pepe marinates in taco shit topped with pink vichyssoise, if I can mix metaphors.