Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Robin's Tale, Part Deux

Now that Robin is a Redbreast, all the Little Bleu Birds of HappiSoc hated her so. Be careful, little Robin, or you too can find yourself dumped by that Pepean Garbage Can O' Love.


Pepe le Pew said...

Berkeley is the most leftist place on earth ? You gotta be kidding.

Pepe le Pew said...

man she's hot though.

Tecumseh said...

What's to the left of Berkeley, Pepe? I'm curious. Cambridge, perhaps? Certainly not Moscow. Pyongyang is simply under the Red boot. Berkeley is enthusiastically choosing the red boot. Nuance.

Pepe le Pew said...

just about the entire planet is left of berkeley, tec. when i was there, the largest organized group on campus was the college republicans. Besides, as you well know, it''s so gentrified, the left-wing sentiment only goes so far. It's pepe's left, hardly the real left.
Even there, the 60s & 70s are long gone.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Le Pew is not happy letting us make do with circumstantial evidence of his cretinism. Nope, he kindly steps up and offers a cornucopia of fessin' to a remarkable variety of idiocies. This Berkeley one takes, as the bourgeois once were allowed to say, "the cake".
Unless you define Left as "Stalin would find it utterly congenial" then Berkeley is hardcore leftist. Every major leftist figure currently on earth, from Chavez to Mugabe to Putin to a gaily bedecked Burmese General can expect to find a crowded and enthusiastic greeting there; with the exception of someone like The Ronery One, who would have to do with a less crowded yet still enthusiastic greeting.
In the runup to the Iraq war, Berkeley was one of ANSWER's strongholds for the burgeoning "anti-war" program. ANSWER, as Le Pew no doubt has chosen to forget, or pretend not to know, was the pro-Saddam leftwing umbrella organization that carried out "street action" every time Hussein saw a need to contribute to the shaping of public opinion in this country. Yup, just like Barry, he also was a savvy salt of the earth community organizer. If only he'd shown some forbearance and self-discipline on the shivingAmerikkka front, well, right now he too could be enjoying some TARPy largesse, and basking in the warm regards and wet tongue of his Pepean sycophants.
"Just about the entire planet is to the left of Berkeley". Whooeee, that's a beaut
[yeah yeah, watch Le Pew try some sort of spin on how, if you stand before McCone Hall and face to the south, why if there ain't a neat coincidence between "left" and "to the east". And if you just keep going left, that is east, ain't it true that you get just about the whole orb before you find yourself again at Berkeley?]

Pateta, Le Pew, es simplesmente pateta.

Pepe le Pew said...

It always is entertaining to watch you take your own simplistic caricatures for reality. However, anti iraq-war isn't a left wing thing on the world stage.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Of course not, gerbil, it is also, for example, a mainstay of Islam Militant, or of Christian Pacifism, or Buddhist detachment from Maya, and so on. And no doubt a non negligible number of Berkeleyites adhere to obeisance to the Quran or give lip service to the Amitabha [although the number who are truly Christian enough to be possible candidates for belief in its pacifist message probably is negligible].
But they weren't leading the leftist front groups which run Berkeley politics [nor the politics of many universities or univeristy towns], and they certainly weren't found in that conglomeration of United Front groups, from ACORN to ANSWER, which worked so hard for their brother Socialist, Saddam.
You are a caricature, Le Pew. There is no need nor discernible gain to make one of you. Maybe one day you can become more than that, even approach the qualities of a man, but then you'd have to set aside that melange of reflexive lies, narcissistic decadence and auto-pilot socialist cant which befogs your world and provides that protective cover for the sheer nullity of the Versaillean.

Pepe le Pew said...

Maybe one day you can become more than that, even approach the qualities of a man

Oh, what in the world makes you believe you can even opine on this issue ? More to the point, who really wants to meet your laughable standards ?

Arelcao Akleos said...

That you would find it laughable to be other than a caricature is perfectly consistent. Hobgoblins, meet Pepe's "mind".

Arelcao Akleos said...

Seriously, gerbil, who the fuck do you think you are to piss on anything decent about this country, on a near daily basis, and think you are to pass through life immune from judgement?