Saturday, June 19, 2010

Another Obamaklean disaster

Chicago thug tactics now getting swallowed by shithead judges. Lovely.


Tecumseh said...

Chicago machine + pinko logik + shysterly obfuscation = Pepean nirvana.

Mr roT said...

I want to see if the goddamned judge is a Clinton appointee...

Arelcao Akleos said...

AmeriSoc has to be built by one litte Pepean brick at a time, Komrads. Now, make sure you meet your quota!

Tecumseh said...

As to Rot's question: of course. Roberts was appointed as a US District Court judge in 1998.

Arelcao Akleos said...

I am as happy as Demosthenes watching the Athenians decide to be assimilated into Philip's "New Order".

Mr roT said...

Thanks, Tecs. What a shocka.