Sunday, November 13, 2011

Coddling Sandusky, even now

This whole town is sick.


Arelcao Akleos said...

This particular Academical Village makes the air at College Station wholesome by comparison.

Tecumseh said...

I was there once, traveling from Penn Station by train in the dead of winter. Don't remember much, except that it was cold. It looks like a badly messed up place now.

BTW, didn't these guys also cover up for da Hockey Stick man?

Tecumseh said...

Former Penn State Vice President Gary Schultz, who has been charged with perjury before the grand jury and failing to report suspected child abuse, retired from his position in 2009 but returned to his Penn State post in September on a temporary basis. He received a $421,847 lump-sum payment at the time of his retirement in 2009 and now reportedly receives a monthly pension payment of $27,558.

Cashing in, eh?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Yes, da Mann is at Penn State, his ass all covered by the admin.

The common ground between the cases being PSU's penchant for hiding what will damage its reputation, even if the source of that damage is to be allowed to continue to so act.

The appearance of "honor" beats all else...
This is a complete absence of the moral consciousness.

Tecumseh said...

Are you shocked, shocked?

Tecumseh said...

Moral derangement.