Sunday, November 13, 2011



Arelcao Akleos said...

Now, Tecumseh, you know what Charly's minions will say: "Despicable? sound Disgusted..Let's see, disgusted...disgusted.. yeah, thought so, straight from our Best Scientists, that makes you an anti-social mentally ill non-Pepean right wing nut job. Ok, boyz, pack this guy away in the O'Brien Wing, quick."

Tecumseh said...

I've known for a long time that Bill Press is a putz. But he's sunk to unfathomable depths now.

Arelcao Akleos said...

But those depths have been fathomable by many an MSMer these last few years.
They first sounded these depths at the Borking of Bork, and thnk of all that refitting and fine tuning Dem-Pravda has been carrying out since then. By now it is a Palace of Pepeanism rising in the deep.

Tecumseh said...

Good point. I still remember the Borking of Bork (and the subsequent attempted Borking of Thomas). It's never been the same since then.