Friday, November 11, 2011

FCP explained

Piling on.


Arelcao Akleos said...

If they had stuck to "Anti-Socialist Personality Disorder" it would have been at least correct in substance even if Sovietic in style.

As for the second part, guess that makes Charly and John Kerry the Muy Bravo ones and those quivering souls in the 10th Marines The Squeamish.

There ain't no Science like Pepean "science".... really.

Charly said...

at what point do you share with us the highlights of *your* career in science and how it lead you to harvesting turnips ?

Tecumseh said...

If you read what AA says (and if you read the article I linked to) -- two big ifs -- you'll note that AA refers to "social science" here, as opposed to hard science.

And that's the kind of "science" that keeps on churning non-sensical "studies", by and large dedicated to proving Pepean prejudices and assorted urban legends. But of course, the "proofs" are almost always fallacious and bogus. Shocka!

Charly said...

>>AA refers to "social science" here, as opposed to hard science

you don't say. question still holds.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Question still holds what, Charly? That "Science" on Planet Pepe has become an extension of the Political? That if the world is full of inconvenient truths then let Versailles fuck those truths? A flat line over a decade is seen as evidence of Global Warmnig? That rigging of data by Da Mann is seen as honorable service to the cause? That the Theoreticians of the Party decides to adopt the Soviet model of labelling all political dissent from the Red Orthodoxy as literally a disease, a disorder of the brain which one must be "cured" of?
That is your Party line, Charly, and it doesn't require wavelet analysis of time series to scry the trend there.
Now, please, go back to your Hobbesian ruminations on why tangency to curves is undone by that superduper exotic spherical geometry.

Charly said...

>>That is your Party line, Charly

This from the party so ideologically driven that it championed creationism in schools, stifled stem cell research, punished the usgs when research on anwr didn't match policy (what you refer to as rigging da data by da man), ignored environmental impact statements on mountaintop removal mining, banned plan B drugs ? Really ?

For balance you might be right on global warming - it is still too early. Of course RWNs had already decided on the scientific outcome of this right off the bat - science just had to back the interests of the market.

the question was about your career in hard/soft/whatever science and turnips.

Arelcao Akleos said...

So, let's see, The Gospel according to St. Charly:

[1] Creationism is a Republican Science, just like that Feynman dude.
[2] Stem Cells can only come from babies, even Republicans know this unquestionable Truth, but so Evil are those Republicans that they would dare question this..and all in the name of some right wing nut job notion of not aborting Babies!
[3] Thous shalt not question a pepean interpretation of data when it comes to national policy. Thou shalt not compare with other interpretations . Thou must confess that being a Government employee absolves the researcher from all enquiry as to integrity or political bias. Thou must declare Hansen a good science, an apolitical scientist, a Prophet of Our Time.
[4] All Oil Drilled By "The Other" is Good, All Oil Drilled by Ricains is Bad.
[5]Thou shalt not allow pharmaceuticals to create drugs unless Planet Pepe gets the big cut. For what does it profit a Pepe if the peasants get cured but Versailles loses its powers?
[6] "Beyond Da Man is Evil is Da Mann is Good", thus speaks Charlesustra.
[7] There is a question about the Soft and the Hard. It has something to with Scientia Pepeana, but in the end Turnips. It's all The Stinking Peasants fault