Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Of Course, Dr. Kevorkian

And the Government, being the commander, then, of Fate, will make sure that those favored by the State get the rations.
Tyranny is such a win-win proposition. Just ask Princess Nancy.


Charly said...

20M uninsured, that's not rationing ? People with pre-existing conditions unable to get healthcare, that's not rationing ?

Tecumseh said...

Charly into peddling pinko urban legends, yet again? Shocka!

x=x, of course.

Mr roT said...

Too much economic freedom is Fascism, Tecs!

We can't just let the zeks deal with their own affairs. We'll end up back in Little Rock with wire hangars.

Tecumseh said...

Hangars=hangers, Herr Rott? Try some single malt. It helps clear the mind. So says an old Romanian proverb.

Charly said...

head in the sand/butt in the air Tecs ?

Tecumseh said...

That's a Charly proverb, or your standard modus operandi?

Charly said...

ahem, exclusions due to pre-existing conditions are urban legends ?

Tecumseh said...

No, this is an urban legend: People with pre-existing conditions unable to get healthcare

Can you give me one concrete example of this happening? I mean, literally, people in America being denied medical treatment (and left to die in the street) because of "pre-existing conditions"?

Maybe one day you'll learn to express your thoughts (such as they are) in a coherent way, Charly. But I'm afraid this is a pre-existing condition, not easily treatable.

Charly said...

You are the only man in america that doesn't know that people with pre-existing conditions don't get health insurance and that, without heath insurance, you don't get the same level of health care as people who do.

You aren't left to die in the streets of course (ah, the PR disaster for the hospital that turns you away), but there are countless of examples of people left destitute because they were unable to get coverage. Then there's also the angle that without coverage, people don't do check ups, which lead them to develop more serious conditions.... But wait a minute, you're a grown man, right ? You know these things ?

Tecumseh said...

Charly, how many times do I need to explain to you: (health insurance) =/= (health care)? That's the root of all your confusions (well, some of them--your confusions are too many to sort out).

When you clear up that point, and reread what has been said, you'll figure things out, perhaps.

Charly said...

tecs, tecs, pay attention. no insurance, no care.