Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Philosophical question...

How does one ride out sex scandal? Don't that make it worse?


Tecumseh said...

I still remember those days when Mr Rot was doggedly covering up for Bubba's manifold transgressions. Carville and Begala had nothing on him. And then he started MoveOn.

Tecumseh said...

Bubba was POTUS, and acting tawdry beyond belief, for chrissakes. (He also perjured himself, not that Mr Rot would understand the concept, since, by definition, anything explicitly in the text of the Constitution does not apply in Rotter Logick.)

How about having some coherent, logical, consistent standards, Mr Rot? It's not that difficult. Bill Bennett explains.

Tecumseh said...

A great job. Boob job.