Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sounds like Mr Rot, re-taking an oral exam on gerbes

“The more you have flubbed, the more the anxiety builds up,” says Frank, explaining the mental phenomenon Perry is experiencing. “Each time you make a mistake, it gets worse. Fear builds up over time. [Perry] is not quite ready to run screaming out of the room yet, but clearly he doesn’t like being there ... and it impacts his ability to perform.”


Tecumseh said...

“Now he’s under this stereotype that he’s going to perform poorly,” says Sian Beilock, author of the 2007 book Choke. “And we know that when there’s an expectation for failure, it can be a self-fulfilling prophecy.”

Beilock likens Perry’s losing psychological battle with Beltway conventional wisdom to the way gender myths tend to prove themselves true when popularized. Studies show, for example, that when girls are reminded of the stereotype that females are bad at math, they tend to perform much worse on tests in that subject.

Aha! OK, Mr Rot, so why does the CD commute?

Tecumseh said...

There is some good news for Perry in all this. For one thing, says Frank, gaps in word retrieval like the one the candidate experienced on Wednesday have nothing to do with intelligence. “It’s really a false positive for dumbness,” says Frank.

There, there, Mr Rot. Feeling better, already?