Saturday, November 05, 2011

Why do people switch from science to bs?

Just ask Charly.


Arelcao Akleos said...

Ah, the old struggle between the easy and the hard roads to Perdition

Charly said...

Much mo'cash in bs. Ask your local church.

Arelcao Akleos said...

The local church is bankrupt, and been taken over as headquarters by the new Acorn.
Guess there is much more cash in bs.

Charly said...

Acorn is much better though. I'll take a live hooker over supernatural fantasies any day of the week.

Arelcao Akleos said...

You're getting confused beween the Sting of Acorn and the Function of Acorn. But then confusion is the sort of fusion Versailles does best.

Of course Acorn is much better in Charly's regard. Acorn seeks to destroy this Republic and this nation. A church might do no more damage than offer a bit of hope, or opium if you prefer, to a desperate soul.
The former is The Pepean Good. The latter is, de rigeur, a big huge Versaillean no-no. After all, Hope and Change are commodities only The State can offer, or dole out.

Charly said...

We all have our phobias, some less warranted than others: you think the sight of a couple of weed-smokers taking a dump on a police car is a sure precursor to the Apocalypse. But besides being the mark of poor hygiene, it is little more than a pain in the ass.

It's not the opium bit that bothers me with the church. If it makes people happier, it's justified its existence. What is objectionable is the fact that, when it isn't directly lurking on power, it tries to subvert it. If religious institutions behaved like palm readers and astrologists - there for the people who use them, and largely invisible to the rest, there'd be nothing to bitch about.

Oh yeah - and they don't pay taxes when people who actually produce tangible goods have to. WTF?

Arelcao Akleos said...

For your first paragraph: What Planet Pepe is doing to this country is so harmless that you gave 'em one last Huzzah and then ran for the hills.
For your second paragraph, which is it that irritates you the most:
That the "Church" might "directly lurk on power" or that it might "try to subvert it [power]"?
Or is Power the natural divine right of Versailles, and any lurkers or subversives need a good drenching in the Gold Piss of the Bleus?
L'Etat, C'est Toi, Toujours, au Fin du Monde, Bien sur, eh?
As for your third paragraph, Charly, as you ululate over such as Acorn, The Chicago Machine, or the varieties of Sorosian Schweinery, two points.
First, your boyz, above, pay no taxes, ever, and take the monies from the taxes imposed on those who actually produce tangible goods.
Second, you have never shown the slightest concern over the miseries Planet Pepe imposes upon those who actually produce tangible goods. You have, consistently, mocked them: rubes, rednecks, 'ricains, all.
Wave the Banner Proudly, Charly, and stand by your men.

Charly said...


Arelcao Akleos said...

Well, Charly at least can sleep by his men.