Monday, November 14, 2011

Wonderful Headline


Tecumseh said...

You think this kind of distraction (or Perry's ineptness, or Bachmann's nutiness) helps? Look at the Rasmussen poll today.

Mr roT said...

Helps? Helps what? I want the GOP first and then the best of their candidates chosen, in that order.

I am a bit simplistic in my ward but getting rid of Bachmann and Perry from the leaders is just good. They'd help hand us more Obama.

More controversially between us, I fear that boosting Romney without Gingrich there to pop in is more dangerous than ideal.

I think that we can agree that Pres Gingrich is less horrifying than Pres Cain and you might even toss-up between him and Romney.

Am I wrong?

Charly said...

He even refers to Pelosi as 'Princess Nancy'. He coulda called her a cunt but instead, he's treating her like she's a Royal. If that ain't respect, I dunno what is.

Mr roT said...

I thought Princess Nancy was code for Barney Frank.

Charly said...


Charly said...

Your wishes are materializing.