Monday, December 26, 2011

Now it comes time for WaPo to publish the tell-all tome


Tecumseh said...

Isn't this a dog-bites-man story by now?

Mr roT said...

Good qn. Maybe these come in stages now that the media are so corrupt and bought.

We're now at the stage where everyone is thinking "duh" to himself but polite people don't shit on WaPo in their lviing rooms just yet.

Is that a possible stage of history?

Tecumseh said...

You get inured after a while, I guess. Still, there come now and then events that jolt even the most jaded mind (save Pepe's, of course).

Does Solyndra rise to that level? Unless more shoes drop, probably not. But, as is, Fast and Furious does already. And there's more to come there, for sure.

Mr roT said...

Hmm, you may have found an important example there, Tecs.

Guts out on the ground but the bastards probably had it coming somehow. You know, mafia guys are bad hombres or something..