Friday, December 23, 2011

NRIno Rulz

Nearer, my Versailles-on-Potomac, to Thee.


Mr roT said...

Go team!

Tecumseh said...

C'mon, guys, you're being hard on ole' Bill Buckley. I just loved the guy. So OK, it's been slightly downhill since he departed the scene, but, hey, what do you expect, it's the natural course of events.

Arelcao Akleos said...

I'm not being hard on Bill Buckley. I'm being hard on those downhill skiers running NRO.

Tecumseh said...

So replace them with some better pundits. Have anyone else in mind?

How about Kraut? Will? Rove? Coulter? Kick them out, too?

I say, let the free market of ideas decide who's got the better idea.

Arelcao Akleos said...

I say NRO has shot itself in the foot, and knees, bigtime. And so we lose what was an interesting, and varied, bastion of the full variety of conservative thought.
Yeah, we can recreate in pieces, here and there, that variety. But then the enfolding of major publications into a single established system of thought, which is after all the fact we are presented with in the MSM Party Line world, is the last thing the Right needed in this country.

Arelcao Akleos said...

The next step will be for it to embrace Romneys "Obamacare actually is pretty good in most places" riff, in which case NRO will have proceeded to shoot itself, and us, in the head.

Tecumseh said...

From today's NR:

Franklin Pierce is Mitt Romney’s sixth cousin, four times removed. Calvin Coolidge is Romney and Huntsman’s tenth cousin. Herbert Hoover is Romney’s tenth cousin. Franklin Delano Roosevelt is Romney and Huntsman’s eighth cousin, twice removed. Harry Truman is Rick Perry’s fifth cousin, four times removed. George H.W. Bush is Romney and Huntsman’s tenth cousin, once removed. George W. Bush is Romney and Huntsman’s tenth cousin, twice removed.

C'mon, AA, lighten up.

Tecumseh said...

So, OK, how about this Steyn piece from NR:

A year ago, we were still talking about Palin and Daniels and Christie and Jindal and Ryan, an embarrassment of riches. Barely a month ago, Cain and 9-9-9 were riding high, an embarrassment of a different kind, and Gingrich was still a single-digit asterisk. But, like Gussie Fink-Nottle, we are all Newt-fanciers now. On the eve of Iowa it seems the Republican base’s dream candidate is a Clinton-era retread who proclaims himself a third Roosevelt, with Taft’s waistline and twice as many ex-wives as the first 44 presidents combined; a lead zeppelin with more baggage than the Hindenburg; a self-help guru crossed with a K Street lobbyist, which means he’s helped himself on a scale few of us could dream of. For this the Tea Party spent three years organizing and agitating?

Also sold out to the dreaded NRino Establishment?

Tecumseh said...

FCP GUT from Steyn:

Presumably this is what he meant when he told Newsweek that his Gestalt is “in many ways conservative, in many ways very moderate.” I’d prefer to formulate it this way: Gingrich is a pushover for progressivism who’s succeeded in passing himself off as a hard-line right-wing bastard. Which is why Democrats who make the mistake of believing their own talking points on Newt invariably have to improvise hastily. In 2007 John Kerry found himself booked for a debate with Gingrich on climate change and had his speechwriters prepare some boilerplate about Newt’s “marching in lockstep with the climate-change deniers.” Unfortunately for him, the former Speaker spoke first and announced that man-made global warming was a real threat that we needed to address “very actively.” He praised as “a very interesting read” Kerry’s unreadable book on the subject, and for good measure added that he was “very worried about polar bears” because “my name ‘Newt’ actually comes from the Danish ‘Knut,’ and there’s been a major crisis in Germany over a polar bear named ‘Knut.’” Kerry abandoned his prescripted attack on Gingrich, hailed his candor, and put his arm around him. Lest the paying customers feel cheated by the bipartisan love-in, the senator attempted to put a bit of clear blue water between him and the ruthless right-wing bastard by raising the possibility that perhaps Gingrich did not share his enthusiasm for cap-and-trade. Newt said he was willing to be persuaded. “I am going to sell a few more books for you, John,” he declared.

Arelcao Akleos said...

You notice he is not shilling for Romney, or even saying kind things of him. It is not NRO not being in love with Gingrich that's the issue, it is its systematically aiding and abetting the destruction of all those who opposed Romney that's the issue. This is something Steyn noted in his initial response to NRO's officially joining in with the Romney camp.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Gingrich is preferable to Romney. Not because Gingrich is that good, it is just that he is definitely better than Romney if we are going to take seriously the many deep threats to this nation. There are more than a few who have been suggested, such as in Steyn's piece, which are better than Gingrich.
But, again, Romney is capitulation and defeat. If Gingrich is the alternative, then at least he offers the glimmerings of a serious fight.

Arelcao Akleos said...

By the way, I base my judgement on Gingrich vs Romney not so much on what they have SAID as what they have DONE. In the 1990s, the last time he had political power, Gingrich did much substantial, and truly Right, good by this country. As a talking head he has been all over the map.
Romney as Governor, and as manager of the Salt Lake Olympics, did much substantial and truly Wrong by this country. As a talking head he has been quietly all over the map...except about refusing to admit learning anything from what he did wrong as governor and Olympic manager.
The substance of Gingrich beats the substance of Romney, and I do think the Dems have judged the two correctly when it comes to which one they'd rather face.

Tecumseh said...

I don't really know what Romney did with the Winter Olympics -- I heard him say he rescued them financially, or something. Did he mess up?

Mr roT said...

AA, your answer waa clear from the beginning. It's Steyn (or Coulter)

Arelcao Akleos said...

Romney "rescued" the Winter Olympics, it turned out, by helping cover up a series of bribes paid to the IOC to get the Olympics.

Tecumseh said...

Never heard this story. Source?

Mr roT said...


Tecumseh said...

Does this mean, "bogus"?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Arelcao Akleos said...

Tecumseh said...

Hmmm... Water under the bridge, no?

Mr roT said...

claim to fame = water under bridge...

OK with me.