Wednesday, December 28, 2011

When Santa Goes Mecca

So "Santa" was a Muslim. Funny how the MSM reported this story about "Santa" killing 6 members of his family as a straight Santa story. No mention at all of his being Lover of Peace. No mention at all of anything other than what the Party Line would allow.
Don't these reporters have any shame, any conscience?.....Or are they all like Nancy Pelosi, wondering what the heck folks mean by that "conscience thing"???

Herr Rott, bien sur, will just equate this to that Christian guy who Honor Killed his family dressed like an Imam just after Ramadan.......he doesn't exist, of course, but that doesn't mean Herr Rott won't use his properties to prove the equivalence relation.


Mr roT said...

My properties? Keep your mind out of my joint area.

Tecumseh said...

Wow! I'm speechless. Good commentary, AA. As for Rot, he's clearly reeling.