Sunday, June 25, 2006

Moonbat central

The magnificent consistency of the Progressive Left: Amerikkka is bad, Stalin is good.


My Frontier Thesis said...

Stalin was allowed to remain in power, in part, because of Ike. Ike was the one to tell Patton to stand down after Blood and Guts suggested that he wanted to turn the German Army around, combine it with the Allied Forces and take Moscow.

I wonder if the Stalinists remember that?

Tecumseh said...

It's true that Patton was not happy with the Russians in 1945, and was chomping at the bit to continue on Eastward. Not clear how feasible that would have been -- I don't think the US had the stomach for another fight right then, the boys wanted to come home. And fighting mano-a-mano with the Red Army all the way back to Moscow was a really daunting prospect. But, realistically, FDR should not have given up the store at Yalta, and sold out Eastern Europe for nothing. And I think Patton was right in his belief that things still could have been turned around, at least in a few of the Eastern European countries -- e.g., Czechoslovakia could have been saved (after all, Prague was liberated by US forces). At any rate, before this debate could have been pursued, Patton's life was cut short in a car accident...