Thursday, June 29, 2006

NPR Interviews Hitchens

While ouzo has been thoroughly documented (at least in this motley group) as being the remedy to ignore the scimitar slicing through the neck of decency and civility, Hitchens uses the whiskey, scotch and cigarettes for assistance in defending his old Anglo isle and new Yankee Continent.

Hitchens: "We now know we're at war today and so do they and they will pay and pay and pay for it," Hitchens says of proponents of what he calls nihilistic Islamism. "They will rue the day when they decided to challenge civilization and democracy and attempt to replace it with theocracy and barbarism."

Thank you Hitchens. Seriously.


Tecumseh said...

I like Carol Blue's pose -- very possessive. Is Hitch still hitched to her, or did he give her up for whiskey and tobacco?

As for Hitch's musings -- well, it's the sort of thing I may also say after a 3 or 4 shots of single malt. But, is it realistic, in the cold light of the day? The question merits serious debate, and it may take 50 or 100 years to resolve. In the meantime, let's dream of Glenfiddich and Carol Blue's pose.

My Frontier Thesis said...

AI, is this the question you're alluding to, and hoping that the world can resolve in 50 to 100 years?

Tecumseh said...

Funny, MFT -- but no, I was not thinking of that previous Hitchens piece. This other question has been debated since at least the Stone Age, I would guess, the debate will go on till hell freezes over.

My Frontier Thesis said...

On a more serious note, are you referring to the West's resilience against jihad and Islamic fascism/nihilism?

I've always wondered why the far left is so apathetic to the threat. Even Putin, and former Soviet bosses and leaders (take Islam Karimov of Uzbekistan for example) have taken the jihad threat more seriously than the likes of Chomsky and Co.

I wonder what Pepe has to say about all this.

Tecumseh said...

Good question -- the answer is probably complex, but, to simplify things, I'd say the Liberal Left has a death wish (à la Jim Jones). Which would be fine with me, as long it wouldn't want to project that wish on the rest of us.

As for Putin, I think he's cut of a different cloth. Here the usual categories of Left vs Right that normally apply in the West get blurred, even perhaps inverted. At any rate, no, I would not say Putin has a death wish, to the contrary. So he will fight, and fight hard, to preserve the Rodina. Whether he can succeed, that's an altogether different story. My hunch is that he's fighting a rearguard action, doomed by demographics. Be that as it may, I'm still pissed at him for the double game he's playing vis-a-vis Iraq and Iran. If he'd come fair and square on our side, instead of playing Chiraqian games, we'd all be better off...

Tecumseh said...

Here is another take on this.