Saturday, March 15, 2008

22 or 32?

Great moments in math education.


Pepe le Pew said...

This makes sense - who would blow 5 grand on some poor girl just out of her teens with panties that still smell like peepee.

Tecumseh said...

If all fails, there is always the lamp-post. Still, how exactly is that supposed to work?

Tecumseh said...

Another possibility. See what happens when people don't have 5K to blow on fancy call girls? Ah, the injustice of it all. We need a new campaign slogan. Who was it who promised "a chicken in every pot"? How to update that promise?

Pepe le Pew said...

Henry IVth. He was killed by Ravaillac who got tired of eating the same fucking dish every day.

Pepe le Pew said...

I have actually seen the lamp-post story in Berkeley. AI - have you ever seen Pink Man on his unicycle and his pink leotard with pink cape ?

I saw him one day on his unicycle pretending to copulate with a red light in front of a bunch of teenage girls who were red as beets. An unforgettable moment.

Tecumseh said...

I thought it was Herbert Hoover. You mean, he stole the line from Henri le Quatre? Hmmm...

I missed the Pink Man in Berkeley, but it sounds all in character with the place. Poor lamp-posts. It's more dignified to hang the aristocrats from them.

Pepe le Pew said...

>Wichita police arrested Coman on Feb. 19 after an acquaintance found him having sex with her 4-year-old female rottweiler in her garage.

What is clear is that if Coman wasn't emasculated, this was consensual. Damn kansas narrow bible-thumpin' minds.

Pepe le Pew said...

Yup, it was Hank.

Pepe le Pew said...

While on topic, I looked up Ravaillac's death. A Cheneyan wet dream:

On May 27, he was taken to the Place de Grève and was tortured one last time before being pulled apart by four horses, a method of execution reserved for regicides. Alistair Horne describes the torture Ravaillac suffered: "Before being drawn and quartered... he was scalded with burning sulphur, molten lead and boiling oil and resin, his flesh then being torn by pincers." Following his execution, Ravaillac's parents were forced into exile and the rest of his family was ordered to never use the name "Ravaillac" again.

Tecumseh said...

Cheney is a cuddly guy -- why impute such blood-thirsty motives on him? At most, he would pepper-spray his buddies, not boil, quarter and draw his enemies.

Tecumseh said...

Getting back to the original thread, Mark Steyn says that the Spitzer hooker is gonna sue AFP. I'm with her on this one:

If you use Associated Press photographs to point out that AP pix from the Middle East seem awfully staged and that their local snappers seem to see themselves as court photographers to the new Caliphate, the AP legal department will shut you down.

But, if the Associated Press goes to "Kristen"'s website, cut-and-pastes personal photographs of the happy hooker, and distributes them around the world without paying her a dime, well, that's "fair use".

In disputes of this kind, one would normally bet on the multinational megacorp with the big legal department. But it's pretty clear from her general philosophy that "Kristen" doesn't give away much for free, and certainly not "exotic photographs". And, given what one of my readers calls her "fully-funded mandate" from the Governor of New York, she presumably has the pockets to take AP to court. You go, girl! It's not often you get a case where there's someone in the room with a higher hourly rate than the lawyers.

Mr roT said...

OK, AI, be with her and all, I promise to keep my mouth shut if you tell me how she does her job, but what's the source of this you've italicized here above?

The Darkroom said...

Not a daily occurrence, but I'm with ai & kristen on this one.

Tecumseh said...

Source is from the Corner at NRO, where Mark Steyn seems to hang out more nowadays. Say what -- do you think we could crash the party and post there, too? Or do the girly boyz and la Lopez ask for ID?

Mr roT said...

i think they're all pros. Interestingly, auditions you!
Neat, huh? Thy only want clever posters.