Friday, March 14, 2008

The beat goes on

"Hillary is married to Bill, and Bill has been good to us. No he ain't! Bill did us, just like he did Monica Lewinsky. He was riding dirty." Did you guys see the video? The pastor makes a suggestive move, illustrating the concept (during the sermon!) By making a political endorsement from the pulpit, Mr Wright's outbursts may attract the attention of the Inland Revenue Service. What's that? More from VDH.


Tecumseh said...

Pepe look-alike chimes in:

Le Vendredi 14 Mars 2008
« Le pasteur Wright, membre de l’église protestante Trinity Church of Christ, à laquelle appartient M. Obama, a estimé récemment que le «terrorisme» américain était responsable des attaques du 11-Septembre. »
À mon avis, il n’a pas du tout tort.

Mr roT said...

I've called Hillary a n******. Doesn't everyone?

Tecumseh said...

Question for this board: From the embryonic stages of Mitt Romney’s candidacy for the Republican nomination, Romney’s lifelong Mormonism was seen by many media and political analysts as a potentially fatal issue. So how can the church of choice for the adult Obama family not be an issue — especially when the pastor is a radical, and clearly has influenced the thinking, the financial choices, and book title of Barack Obama?

Tecumseh said...

Follow-up: "Obama reminds us that Christianity is not owned by those on the far right politically, but can provide a spiritual foundation and moral vision for those across the political spectrum." Hey, maybe Pepe will join the UCC? Fits like a glove.

Mr roT said...

Romney's religion is much less annoying than Obama's. Jeez, they can write and don't make humping motions at the pulpit.