Monday, June 09, 2008

AI sweats, Pepe wets

Poli Pr0n Pic from HuffPo.


Tecumseh said...

Me, sweat? Why? I've basically given up on the race months ago, when it became clear there will be no real conservative in the race, just a competition between Nanny State lite and Nanny State turbo. Of course, I'd prefer to limit the damage, but why invest emotionally in the race? You gotta give me a reason, JJ -- or perhaps, Jean Francois must give a reason to people like me -- otherwise, it's just a spectator sport.

Mr roT said...

How about Obama-appointed Supreme Court justices that will penumbra your arse out from beneath you?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Obama's pogroms are likely to start within the halls of academia... how's that for emotional motivation, AI?

Kidding, of course: the pogroms have been going on for a long time running.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Ah, pogroms....and for these there is no New Land to seek refuge in...

Tecumseh said...

Supreme Court penumbras: yes, JJ, that's rather powerful motivation: though McCain hemmed and hawed and fudged on that (think of Gang of 14 games), he's a much better bet to keep a sane balance there than Obama (with Congress and the media in his pocket).