Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Rumor 4: He was born in Österreich!

I smell a Commie rat...


Tecumseh said...

Yep, I saw that, but could not find a good title for the post. JJ's is quite good. So where are we with all these rumors and suppositions? Matter of fact, looks like both McCain and Obama are not born in the US proper (Canal Zone vs Hawaii, with no birth certificate to prove it). Doesn't the US Constitution have something to say about all this?

Mr roT said...

Yeah, that Romney is the next in line.

Tecumseh said...

Right -- if both disqualify, it's Mitt vs Hill. We'd be then on safer, more predictable ground.

Mr roT said...

I don't disagree, somehow.

Tecumseh said...

This must be the most wacky presidential choice in generations. If regression to the mean has any meaning, both candidates should think of more standard VP choices to balance the ticket.

Mr roT said...

nah, most of the time moderates win primaries. everything would've been normal if the shake-down artists of the extreme left hadn't stolen the nomination from hillary

Tecumseh said...

If it had come down to a contest between McCain and Hillary (which would have been quite plausible), the distance between their respective positions would have been quite small by historical standards (oh so slightly right of center vs marginally left of center). Bohring.

Mr roT said...

Elections aren't supposed to be entertainment. For example, you and AA's pulling for Kerry, if he won, would've meant needless deaths of thousands of Americans.


Tecumseh said...

Not boring. Kerry is a putz, yes. But was he as out-of-the-mainstream as Obama is?

Mr roT said...

He's about McGovern. Last McGovern luckily we got rid of in short order (despite Ed Witten's efforts). Let's hope we dodge the bullshit this time.