Sunday, November 16, 2008

How's that for marxist theory ?

“For us to simply recreate what existed back in the 30s in the 21st century — I think would be missing the boat,” Mr. Obama said in the interview. “I think the basic principle that government has a role to play in kick-starting an economy that has ground to a halt is sound. I think our basic principle that this is a free market system and that that has worked for us, that it creates innovation and risk taking, I think that’s a principle that we’ve got to hold to as well.”

A non-ideologue for president ? Scary.


Arelcao Akleos said...

Obama is as much a "non-ideologue" as Lenin. He's just pragmatic as to what has to be done to get there [as, in his own way, was Lenin]. Socialism which insists on taking the economics of Marx seriously led to such consistent catastrophe that even the gerbils of Planet Pepe [except perhaps for its Roi Soleil] got the notion that if you want to have good eatin' in that there Red Court of Versailles, you'd better allow some space for the proles to market their little peasanty enterprises. Otherwise, even the Aristos go lean.
So, like China, Obama ain't gonna slaughter the golden goose that allows Aristos sufficient ease to wank away their life on "engineering" Utopia.
Socialist's dream of finessing the red cancer so as not to kill the organisms that host the perverse mutations. It is a Hell of a dream.

Pepe le Pew said...

uh-huh. and you got that brilliant insight into obama's closet ambitions by reading nro or by flipping tarot cards ?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Uh, no, Gerbil. I got it by simply reading what he has been saying for the last quarter century. Aristo's like to trust their Madame Sosostra's, peasants like verified reality. It's why your useless that way.

Pepe le Pew said...

and presumably, as madame soleil, you predicted dubbyah's embrace of socialism?

Tecumseh said...

Probably taqqiya, as JJ would say. But I'll take it. The situation needs to be stabilized, or else we'll all be sinking deeper in the doodoo. Even a dyed-in-the-wool pinko like Pepe should be able to grasp such a simple concept, yes?

That said, I agree with AA that Lenin was the master at this taqqiya game. "One step forward, two steps back" is still one of the basic commie principles.

The Darkroom said...

He's going to wreck everything.

No, dubbyah did that. Obi-one's got a (long) shot at fixing it.