Monday, November 17, 2008

Planet Pepe does hard science

Congratulations, Al Gore, our first Secretary of the Environment.


Tecumseh said...

The reason for the freak figures was that scores of temperature records from Russia and elsewhere were not based on October readings at all. Figures from the previous month had simply been carried over and repeated two months running.

August, September, October -- what's the difference? Minsk, Pinsk -- will say Pepe. Way to go, Mr. Goreball Warming (btw, where's that label, JJ?)

A GISS spokesman lamely explained that the reason for the error in the Russian figures was that they were obtained from another body, and that GISS did not have resources to exercise proper quality control over the data it was supplied with. This is an astonishing admission: the figures published by Dr Hansen's institute are not only one of the four data sets that the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) relies on to promote its case for global warming, but they are the most widely quoted, since they consistently show higher temperatures than the others.

Aahhh, the joys of Lysenkoism. Pinkos never change, they just put a different wolf's coat.

Mr roT said...

Right before youe "lamely" quote: This only made the confusion worse because, to compensate for the lowered temperatures in Russia, GISS claimed to have discovered a new "hotspot" in the Arctic - in a month when satellite images were showing Arctic sea-ice recovering so fast from its summer melt that three weeks ago it was 30 per cent more extensive than at the same time last year.

In other words, these fucking frauds didn't get what they wanted so they made up some other data to get what they wanted. But it was off too and so thair pants were caught on the floor.

These bastards should be fucking hanged.

Tecumseh said...

To add insult to injury, these political hacks use their cold-fusion pseudo science to scare the beejesus out of the populace, impose restrictions on free speech and freedom of inquiry, and then justify massive tax increases and government control in the form of carbon caps, or whatever they call those gizmos. It's all a pinko racket -- what do you expect?

Mr roT said...

"The debate is over." BTW, those debate is over types know a lot of big words like Buckley and David 'Cancer' Brooks. Hmmm.

Tecumseh said...


The problem isn’t that this mistake occurred, but rather that no one at Goddard seemed to think a one-month temperature jump of nearly a full degree worldwide warranted a double-check. The keepers of one of the U.N.’s four primary temperature records are sure the globe is warming dangerously, so sure it never even occurred to them to check why or how October’s figures were so anomalous.

It took bloggers using little more than desktop PCs and Internet connections only a few hours to find the errors. The difference is, they were prepared to look. Their minds were not so clouded by bias in favour of the warming theory that they have stopped asking obvious questions.

That's what happens when we have Lysenkoism as the guiding doctrine on how to conduct data collection.

Mr roT said...

Absolutely. This is the commoditization of Science for political purposes.