Friday, May 01, 2009

Bush I's fruity NH justice never fails to disappoint

Fittingly, Obama will likely replace him with a woman just like himself.


Mr roT said...

Souter was a graduate of both Harvard College and Harvard Law School. He also attended Magdalen College at Oxford University in England. But his academic pedigree was only one reason he had been regarded as a thinking man's jurist and a highly thoughtful conservative prior to his elevation to the nation's highest bench.

Once appointed and confirmed, he soon became a "surprise justice." He bucked the expectation that he would join the court's conservative wing — then led by Chief Justice William Rehnquist, who was appointed to the court by President Nixon and elevated to chief by President Reagan, and featuring Reagan appointees Antonin Scalia and Anthony Kennedy.

The appointing president had been assured of Souter's credentials by the White House chief of staff, John Sununu, who had known Souter as a conservative member of the New Hampshire Supreme Court when Sununu was that state's Republican governor.


Later on, Souter became a full-fledged member of the court's unabashedly liberal caucus, featuring yet another Republican, John Paul Stevens (appointed by President Ford in 1975), who remains a member of the court to this day.

Souter was unconventional in other ways beyond his ideological independence. He moved to Washington to attend court sessions, but he returned to his beloved roots in New Hampshire whenever possible, including for the court's long summer hiatus each year.
[Naturally. NH is full of homos.]

Rather than fly home, Souter preferred to drive. He also resisted other forms of contemporary technology and convenience, holding out against the cell phone and e-mail and continuing to write his opinions and dissents in longhand, using a fountain pen.[Yet more proof he's an idiot.]

Once engaged but never married, Souter was once listed among the capital's 10 "most eligible bachelors" but remained in that category of "confirmed bachelors."[I.e. Harvard fruits just like Tecs' pinko oracle.]

Tecumseh said...

Shit taco with all the trimmings. Souter's appointment (at the urging of Warren Rudman and John Sununu) must stand as the worst political mistake Bush I made as President (the other mistake being not to go all the way to Baghdad). Of course, the little twit waited out till a fellow pinko got elected, before resigning. AS NPR delicately puts it:

Factors in his decision no doubt include the election of President Obama, who would be more likely to appoint a successor attuned to the principles Souter has followed as a moderate-to-liberal member of the court's more liberal bloc over the past two decades.
Hey, Mr Rot, what goes with that shit taco -- would rosé wine do?

Tecumseh said...

Dream choice for Mr Rot: He could pick, for example, Janet Napolitano, who is now the secretary of Homeland Security, but formerly governor of Arizona, attorney general of Arizona, United States attorney in Arizona. Someone with a broader, not just a legal, perspective.

Hold the mayo on that shit taco.

Mr roT said...

I like the looks of the Kagan woman.

She makes Janet Nap look like a supermodel and has a name that's absolutely apt.