Friday, May 15, 2009

Lowry sees it like I did

When it broke that Obama wasn't publishing the new pictures, I argued it was because Cheney won the argument. So where's my goddam VCP?

[Axelrod] also emphasized that former Vice President Cheney's criticism of the president on the issue had no role in the president's reversal: "Absolutely not."



Tecumseh said...

As the French say:
Cet animal est fort méchant,
Quand on l'attaque il se défend

Casey at the bat: So while some Hill Republicans were fretting about getting a positive message out and others were launching substance-free listening tours, while GOP operatives were wringing their hands about whether Republicans could recover from the Bush years, and while most senior Bush alumni were in hiding, Dick Cheney--Darth Vader himself, Mr. Unpopularity, the last guy you'd supposedly want out there making the case--stepped onto the field.

Mr roT said...

Yeah, Tecs, but according to the MSM, the party leadership (Olympia Snowe and Colon Pownder) are flabbergasted that Cheney come out and say such divisive things.

Shit. He's bringing the center to him (the center? Obama is the center?) and the nutless rest are decrying him and Rush.

Nous sommes tous castrees.