Friday, July 31, 2009

"Fuck you," he explained.


Tecumseh said...

Who said FY to whom? Mfr Rot, you came late to the story, after being fast asleep at the wheel for weeks, and now you don't make much sense. Have another Stone IPA to wake up.

Tecumseh said...

Mfr? What's that? Must stand for Mr Straman.

My Frontier Thesis said...

The GOP ought to seriously descend on what's known as the Mayo Clinic to recruit new candidates and such. And I'm serious: there are plenty of potential candidates needing slight nudge who are willing to go political, and even better, those who understand science, ecology, and the natural world. I say let's get back in the game.

Pepe le Pew said...

Doctors ? I don't know, mft. dem people's ejoocated. better stick to cowboys & movie extras.

Tecumseh said...

I don't know MFT, it's awfully hard to attract good people into government, unless they're willing and/or predisposed to toe the Pinko Party Line. Otherwise, they get torn to pieces by the MSM, who is no longer functioning as the 4th Estate, but more like a Party Organ.

Just to give you a small example: take Bill Frist, the ex-Senate Majority Leader. Went to Princeton, then Harvard Medical School, practiced at Mass General Hospital, and then at Vanderbilt Medical Center. Perhaps this would satisfy your criteria? At any rate, once he went into politics, and it became clear he was not as a Pepe clone, he was hounded by the MSM.

Just a day at the office on Planet Pepe. Nothing personal, just business.

Pepe le Pew said...

Frist - is that the guy who diagnosed the brain dead woman as having all of her senses from watching her video ? The one who was posthumously found to have half the iq of a cucumber ?
A fine Dr who knew how to find the gop party line in each diagnosis.

Tecumseh said...

Yes, Pepe, that was the caricature of Bill Frist sold by the shills of the pinko MSM. You could have Einstein or Feynman in there, but if he dared contradict the Party Line, the end result would be the same. It's a theorem.

The Darkroom said...
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Pepe le Pew said...

Are you saying this incident did not occur ?

Tecumseh said...

Pepean logic in all its glory. Of course Bill Frist was against killing that woman. The point is not whether he said what he said. The point is, once again (I know, I know, reading comprehension is hard) is that, once a politico deviates by an iota from the Party Line, he (or she) gets hounded by the MSM.

Is this so hard to absorb, Pepe? Try eating some fish, it helps with the brain processes.

Pepe le Pew said...

>>The point is not whether he said what he said.

it isn't ? I thought that was exactly the point.