Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Maureen in shape

Sarah once criticized Hillary for being a whiny presidential contender, arguing that women who want “to progress this country” should not complain about being under a “sharper microscope,” but instead should just work harder to prove themselves capable. Now Sarah is a whiny presidential contender, complaining about the sharper microscope that women wanting to progress this country are under and rejecting advice to work harder to prove herself capable.

The Alaskan who shot to stardom a year ago as the tough embodiment of Diana the Huntress has now stepped down as governor and morphed into what the Republicans always caricatured Hillary as — preachy, screechy and angry.


Tecumseh said...

Hmmm... Perhaps, but she looks 10 times better than Hillary. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Pepe.

Pepe le Pew said...

you are right tecs. but since none of us is going to bone either, it doesn't make much difference.

hey jj arsemaven.

Tecumseh said...

Given the choice, if I have to watch a preachy, screechy, whiny, cunty politico, may as well look at a milf than a harridan. A chacun son gout, Pepe.

Pepe le Pew said...

i'd rather watch an educated woman than trailer trash but to each his own.

Mr roT said...

Educated woman? What's that?

Pepe le Pew said...

one that lets her husband run around, of course.

Tecumseh said...

With Barney?

Pepe le Pew said...

and one who knows her place isn't to question whom He may be running around with.

Mr roT said...

You mean Christ?