Wednesday, July 29, 2009


"For a guy who campaigned on taking responsibility and looking forward, he spends an awful lot of time pointing fingers and looking backward." Duhhh.


Pepe le Pew said...

well, we do hear republicans arguing the state of the economy is all clinton's fault... obie-one has only been in place for 6 months.

Mr roT said...

time for him to quit.

Pepe le Pew said...

i understand how you feel: been there for the last 8 years. relax: you only have 7 1/2 more to go.

Tecumseh said...

Wet dreams of Pepea.

Tecumseh said...

Straws in the wind: even some pinkos are getting a tiny wee uneasy of the glorious path to Socialism on which Pepe marches to the strains of the Internationale: “We need to fix health care,” Mary Bevering, a Democrat from Fort Madison, Iowa, said in a follow-up interview, “but if the government creates the system, I’m afraid the quality of care will go down and costs will go up: We will pay more taxes.”

Pepe le Pew said...

of course costs will go up: you'll have to cover the 20M or so uninsured. no one says the contrary.