Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Your typical pinko-frenchie

.. in your typical Pepean rant. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.


Tecumseh said...

More: It was only in the final years of the eighteenth century, in the late, fanatical phases of the French Revolution, that a wholly politicized form of atheism--let's call it ideological atheism--fully emerged. Convinced that the religious toleration guaranteed in the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen permitted ignorance to thrive in the revolutionary republic, anti-religious crusaders such as Jacques Hebert and Jacques-Claude Bernard sought nothing less than to dechristianize France. To accomplish this goal, these radicals (called Hebertists) encouraged their supporters to ransack and desecrate churches and cathedrals, transforming them through iconoclastic violence into "Temples of Reason."

Though the leaders of the Cult of Reason were eventually guillotined, their brand of atheism lived on in European politics, receiving its greatest theoretical justification in the writings of Auguste Comte, Ludwig Feuerbach, and Karl Marx. Not only were they among the first philosophers in Western history proudly and publicly to denounce belief in God, they also went further, arguing that it was humanity's destiny to shed religious conviction altogether. To resist this revolutionary metamorphosis, they claimed, was an act contrary to reason as well as historical progress.

That the first ideological atheists were found on the far left is historically interesting but theoretically irrelevant; Friedrich Nietzsche, a figure who would become associated with the far right, soon joined them in pronouncing the death of God. What both factions shared, besides a hatred of religion, was an irrepressible loathing for liberalism, which permitted citizens to continue worshipping their gods in peace, protected by state power from persecution. For Europe's ideological atheists, this was an indefensible concession to superstition and prejudice. By the early decades of the twentieth century, their anti-liberal outlook had become a crucial component of communist ideology.

Pepean ideology in all its glory.

Pepe le Pew said...

got that right for once, baby.

philosophers showing the way out of the logical vacuity that is organized religion: the minute the flat earth theory was shaken, you know the whole damn deck of cards, stuffed with supernatural justifications for everything would sooner or later come down. It's called the victory of reason over superstition, a second Renaissance.
For a comparison that you can relate to, think of it as john wayne finally defeating the mean injuns.

the good news is it's finally coming to america.

Tecumseh said...

Dreaming of the Reign of Terror, and le Comité du salut public taking those pesky Enemies of the People to the guillotine, eh, Pepe? I know, I know, that's the favorite wet dream of any self-respecting pinko.

Pepe le Pew said...

can you ever snap out of your angry RWN tirades ?
Get laid, smoke a joint, drive drunk.