Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Raptor shot down

Pepe ululates, of course. And, oddly enough, Mr Rot, too. But, it would prove quite useful over the skies of North Korea, if necessary, or in thwarting a Chinese threat in the Taiwan Straits. Gates forgets that it was high-tech "Cold War" weapons such as the stealthy F-111A that shattered Saddam Hussein's air defenses and infrastructure and controlled the skies during Operation Desert Storm in Iraq. In last year's conflict in Georgia, the Raptor was the only aircraft in our inventory that could have penetrated the defended airspace and had a chance of surviving. The F-22 Raptor is also perhaps the only plane that could evade the sophisticated S-300 surface-to-air missile defense system Russia has contracted to sell Iran. Ah, why piss up that rope, yet again?

NK Tweet: Dear Leader Kim Jong-Il states US abandonment of raptor fighter concedes US economy, air force, cannot compete with DPRK. When Pepe & Rot, and now L'il Kim, too, all agree on something, I get real suspicious. I smell a big, fat commie rat.

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