Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Our tax money hard at work

$700 million for “enhanced” contraception for horses and burros? Only on Planet Pepe.

Regurge for update: The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation is spending $60,000 of its stimulus money on $2,000 road signs to highlight projects funded by the massive economic recovery package. The state also is paying political strategist and media consultant Ken Snyder $9,090 a month to help with publicity relating to the stimulus package. Pinko hog heaven in all its glory.


Tecumseh said...

The old west has been succeeded by the new California, in which a bloated government bureaucracy rides herd on the ever more emaciated workhorses of the private sector. And as California goes — and it’s going, going, gone — so goes the nation.

Ululululululu, says Pepe.

Pepe le Pew said...

since when does planet pepe give 2 shits about horseys (or any symbol of the wild west for this matter) ?

Tecumseh said...

Reading is essential, Pepe. To quote from the article: The Congressional Budget Office estimates the total tab at around $700 million (as I also mentioned in my synopsis). So yes, Planet Pepe gives 700 million buckaroos for the horseys -- well, not out of its own pocket, but out of the pocket of John Q. Taxpayer.

And yes, Planet Pepe does not give 2 shits about John Q. Taxpayer. No, siree. You got that one right, le Pew.

Pepe le Pew said...

the entire planet isn't up in arms over the "plight" of the american taxpayer ? you don't say.

Tecumseh said...

Non sequiturs are a peak of Pepean logic. So other countries have their own taxpayers, worried about happens with their own finances. Duhhh. How does that distract from the here and now, where John Q. is taken for a ride to pay for your pinko Rube Goldberg schemes, and the country is going bankrupt (according to none other than Joe Biden)?

Pepe le Pew said...

tecs, the american taxpayer is being hit to finance your John Waynian fantasy: you should be happy. I just don't give a shit.

Tecumseh said...

WTF are you talking about, Pepe? And, what does John Wayne have to do with anything? And, are you saying you don't pay taxes to Uncle Sam, or that you just don't give a shit whether the marginal tax rate is 25% or 50%? As usual, it's hard to follow Pepean logic (harder than deciphering the Rosetta stone), but I'm a sport, I give it a shot.

Tecumseh said...

Brooks muses on polls, and comes up with: Most independents now disapprove of Obama’s health care strategy. In March, only 32 percent of Americans thought Obama was an old-style, tax-and-spend liberal. Now 43 percent do. You'd think so? Oh, mais non, mais non. How can those ungrateful, unwashed masses even entertain such a notion?

Pepe le Pew said...

the object of this program is to placate fans of americana: mustangs, john wayne, apple pie, star-studded flags and all the idiotic symbolism that you people gobble like flies in front of a turd.

Tecumseh said...

You really have a chip on your shoulder when it comes to anything having to do with American patriotism (or, in other contexts, Christianity). A visit to a shrink may help alleviate the problem.

Pepe le Pew said...

Help me doctor, I am not a fetishist ?

Tecumseh said...

Only a dyed-in-the-wool pinko could mistake patriotism (or Christianity) with fetishism. Then again, the pinko world-view is so narrow, crabbed, and constipated, that everything besides Das Kapital and Juche Thought gets conflated as non-Scientific Socialism, thereby a superstition fit only for the stinking peasants.

Pepe le Pew said...

hey, you are leaving out mein kampf.

Tecumseh said...

Oh, I forgot that one. True, it was written by the founder of the National Socialist Party.

Pepe le Pew said...

an idol among all pinkos

Tecumseh said...

More precisely, a renegade Socialist: The National Socialist German Workers' Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, abbreviated NSDAP), commonly known in English as the Nazi Party (from the Ger. pronunciation of Nationalsozialist (based on earlier Ger. sozi, popular abbreviation of "sozialist"), was a political party in Germany between 1919 and 1945. What part of that explanation escapes you, Pepe?