Saturday, August 28, 2010

FCP smackdown


Mr roT said...

Hah, Tecs pullin for Massachusetts McCain!

Tecumseh said...

You are a bit confused, Herr Rotter. Last I heard, Mac plucked from obscurity Palin, not Brown. Also, Scottie actually won an election (this past January). When was the last time Palin won an election, eh?

Mr roT said...

When's the last time Palin voted with Chris Todd and Barry Frank?

Tecumseh said...

Palin never voted with anyone, since she never was in a legislature (duhhh...) As for Scottie, if you try to imply he voted with Barney Frank, well, that's not possible (at least technically): they are in separate chambers (Senate vs House of Reps). I suggest you bone up on the basic definitions in the Constitution, Herr Rot. That may help.

Mr roT said...

SP made her views clear on Dodd-Frank.

Tecumseh said...

OK, she did. But talk is cheap--basically, she's just a blogger, like you or I or AA. But Brown is a Senator from the bluest of the blue states, and he needs to face the electorate again in 2012. Even someone confined to the narrow parameters of Rotter Logik should be able to see the difference.

Mr roT said...

If that mess hadn't passed, it would be good. In 5 years he will be a goner no matter what.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Palin won the election to governorship of Alaska. That's no small potatoes.

Tecumseh said...

Brown: If he can get re-elected in 2012 (and his chances are quite good, especially if I get around to vote for him), I hope he'll move in higher gear. For that. he needs to start using his brains, not just triangulate. We shall see.

Palin: When did she win the AK governorship? That must have been eons ago. As they say in politics: what theorem did he prove lately? Also, how many people vote in AK? Something like the population of Worcester? Or maybe Abilene?

Mr roT said...

When McCain chose Palin, W reacted by asking if she was the Gov of Guam.

I think Guam is what you want here, Tecs.

Tecumseh said...

IT'S ALL W'S FAULT!!! OK, so what does this have to do with Guam, which is not even a state? By the way, the guv of Guam is one Felix Perez Camacho. I'm pretty sure he's more versed in politics than der Rotter. No?

Mr roT said...

The Guamafia spreads its tentacles while Tecs sleeps.

He is married to Joann G. Camacho and has three children. Mrs. Camacho is a niece of Vicente Gumataotao, the mayor of Piti and first cousin of Jose Gumataotao, the husband of the current US Treasurer, Rosa Gumataotao Rios.