Saturday, August 28, 2010

Pousse l'amour or Devil skin?

Take your pick, boys.


Arelcao Akleos said...

I guess it beats the selections the Roman soldiers had available. The names, however, are pretty nifty.

Tecumseh said...

So what kind of French letters did the Romans have? I'm not familiar with this aspect of Roman, ahem, culture.

Arelcao Akleos said...

They were a pretty sheepish lot when it came their, uh, nether regions. The major contestants were, apparently, advocates either of the crotter's skin or of something more "inward': Leather sheath vs,er, "sausage casing".
This may go a way to explain why the sheepskin copies of Archimedes at al were so coveted by the monks.

Mr roT said...

The Japanese always choose safety over comfort.