Sunday, August 29, 2010

Tecs says Beck and Palin don't even know Gucci loafers

Even many on the right are at pains to repudiate him, as they do other popular conservative mega-figures like Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh. But as I have written about Sarah Palin before, I see in Beck a quality that conservatives despise at their peril. That quality is the willingness to stand up and answer the call, no matter what: to say what he knows he has been appointed to say, and not tack or trim to catch the winds of MSM approval.


Mr roT said...

psych probs.

Tecumseh said...

Don't worry, Herr Rot--Palin has some very fancy shoes, and more appropriate for her than Gucci loafers.
As for Beck, he loafs around in sneakers, which don't quite match his suit. Closer in sartorial tastes to Herr Rotter than to WFB, I must say.