Saturday, August 28, 2010

Makes perfect sense.

Tecs says deport. Putin drives while Obama girl-bikes.


Tecumseh said...

The Higgs boson rulz! Of course, it can't quite compete with Coanda:

So why does an airplane stay up? The question nagged at Anderson as he pursued his career at various physics labs. It bugged him especially when he was at Los Alamos in northern New Mexico and began piloting a Cessna 182. Much later, at Fermilab, Anderson found himself on a committee in charge of bringing in outside speakers from time to time to take the inmates' minds off the higgs boson. One day he decided to find an expert who could explain airplane flight. He called his alma mater and got put through to Eberhardt.

To understand lift you need only Newton's three laws and something called the Coanda effect. The Coanda effect is just the tendency of air or any even slightly viscous fluid to stick to a surface it is flowing over, and thus to follow the surface as it bends. As air follows the upper surface of a wing, it gets bent downward— because the surface is curved but also because the leading edge is tilted up (especially when ascending) at what is called the angle of attack. The air that is bent downward pulls on the air above it, distending it and creating a low-pressure zone.

Even Herr Rot may be able to understand such a basic principle of physics.

Mr roT said...

Air is bent. Novel conception.

Tecumseh said...

Seethe, Rot, seethe.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Eloi--The Time Machine [HG Wells]. The helpless and effete people of a future in which they appear to live in a Marxist "endtime" utopia but in fact are just meat bred for the abbatoire.
Cole-- The protagonist of the flick "12 Monkeys" [Terry Gilliam], who is sent back in time to prevent the release of a virus that kills off most of the human race.
Mountain Dew: The yellow piss which runs the engines of Pepeana.

The writers of this story chose the details well.

Mr roT said...

AA, impressive.