Thursday, August 26, 2010

Your typical pinko arguing Kantian logic


Arelcao Akleos said...

Vichy's Reich, old man, and don't think you're gonna get lucky a second time.

Tecumseh said...

Coulda be worse.

Mr roT said...

Palin woulda used the past participle.

Tecumseh said...

What's wrong with coulda be? It's used all the time:

It couda be di pounds, it could be di keys or coulda be di shacks
Or groom some sexy girls and put dem tuh work pan di blocks
I don't care if shit is legal or illegal
If I don't get this paper now it's gonna be lethal
To get dis money it coulda di grades mi a smuggle or
A sine clothes and some shoes mi a juggle or
Mi ave mi glock an mi wi use it
I don't really wanna, but
If yu keep flossing all yu jewelry, yu just mighta lose it
And that's the only way that I am preeing
Money is the only thing I am seeing
I'm moving towards the money direction
Money inna mi pockets, that's my only intention

Mr roT said...

Shakespeare, right?