Saturday, August 28, 2010

Tecs calls the INS, sends check to Crist

Coincidence? Tecs and AA say no; it's Rubio.
[Add a photo of Ronnie smiling, just to annoy Herr Rot. --Tecs]


Tecumseh said...

I like Rubio better than Palin: if nothing else, his voice is smoother, his accent doesn't grate on the ear like hers. On the other hand, his ears are just humungous. He should grow long hair, and cover them up.

Mr roT said...

Yes, I noticed that too. Also, he shakes his cranium and smiles falsely like Reagan would. I think it's some kind of subliminal suggestion he's trying to get the Gipper's worshippers on his side.

I'm with him for a couple reasons.

1) He seems a real conservative, like Christie (whom I like more).

2) He'll break up the GOP-racist goddam thing without looking so contrived as a black guy.

Tecumseh said...

Reagan did not smile falsely--it's just you projecting your perfervid imagination on his memory.

Rubio's smile is a bit contrived, yes, but not much more so than the average politico's.

Christie is good with the nuts and bolts of dragging NJ out of the fiscal hole in which it's been dug in by the pinkos. But in terms of national politics he's to the left of Scott Brown.

Tribal politics: doesn't resonate with moi at all. I don't give a damn about Rubio's origin, only about what he says and does.

Mr roT said...

Tribal politics will sink the GOP if the Dems can make the rathith thing stick.

Mr roT said...

Funny hat for a guy from Illinois or whatever.

Tecumseh said...

Only professional left dwells on the "rathith" thing. I mean, what else can they think about?

As for Reagan, yes, he was born in Illinois. A great state, though I've been there only once, back in 1999--and that was only for a couple of days, at Circle. You been in Ill?

Mr roT said...

Been in Chi-town. Meh, it ain't NYC.

The rathith thing matters to voters.

Tecumseh said...

That's what the professional left says, day in, day out, 24/7. Of course, Herr Rot buys the party line -- hook, line, and sinker. What else is new under the sun?

Mr roT said...

Explain how we got Obama, Tecs? Cosmic rays or gerbes?

Tecumseh said...

More people voted for him than for McCain -- duhhh.