Monday, February 28, 2011

Good piece by a Harvtard

What's going on? The clock has been right twice now. Is that it? Will Ferguson start freaking out like Charles Johnson now?


Tecumseh said...

C'mon, Rot--Ferguson has been writing good stuff for a long time now. He's a real smart guy, which, as I said, helps -- much less likely to go full Pepe like Johnson or Sullivan, for whom (A=> B) \equiv (\not A => \not B) passes for logical thought.

Tecumseh said...

The correct strategy—which, incidentally, John McCain would have actively pursued had he been elected in 2008—was twofold. Uh, oh. You really think Mac would have stepped up to the bat? Perhaps. But, almost as likely, he woulda fallen asleep at the wheel. Or, chosen Hillary as SecState (not totally unlikely, no?), for practically the same results. La meme Jeanette...

Mr roT said...

Ferguson is mostly interesting because he has the nice chairs at Harvard and LSE but he also talks common sense. I don't think he says anything that you or I couldn't come up with.

He's interesting in the same way that Palin is. For someone to espouse those views is not rare. For a beautiful woman to do so is another thing.

Would you compare Ferguson to Will or Steyn or Taranto? I don't think I would (though, disappointingly, Taranto stays out of foreign policy too much to really compare).

Hillary Clinton is at State because of Michael Corleone's advice to keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

McCain probably would have kept a lot more W functionaries around citing the need for continuity. If SCROTUS kept Gates, I imagine Mac would keep a lot more. Not sure I would have liked Condi to stay on. She's saying a lot of shit lately...

Tecumseh said...

Have you looked at Ferguson's books?

Mr roT said...

Nope, not seen the books. I think he was writing for the Spectator (the UK one) back when Steyn was too. I would pick up as many copies as I could during the Boston-Europe commutes back then.

I thought he was pretty good but a let-down after Steyn.

Of course back then Boris Johnson was also writing there.