Thursday, February 24, 2011

Why Pepe prefers Michael Moore

While VDH laments the Pinko Versailles.


Mr roT said...

You're losin it, Tecs! The hed article calls for a picture of Mara Carfagna or Stefania Prestigiacomo, for example...

As to VDH, there's something slightly bothersome about the article. Of course he's right and he's right to be grumpy, but the idea of Califucks paying $4 for gas is kinda just desserts as far as I am concerned.

In fact, for their jackass envirobullshit and their fruity moralisms about dealing with the headhacker world, I think they ought to pay about $90 a gallon. They're partly responsible for our hopey-changey bullshit, funding pinkofaggot pols and serving up Feinsteins and Boxers and Waxmans.

Let;s not mention the movie industry's contribution to American culture now either. Calif turning into a big Cleveland with a beach sounds pretty good in a moral sense.

Tecumseh said...

Who's Stefania Prestigitadore?

Mr roT said...

The wop EPA babe.