Monday, February 28, 2011

SCROTUS deciding he doesn't want to lose the election?


Tecumseh said...

Too long. Can you summarize what's this about?

Mr roT said...

I think SCROTUS is afraid of a states' rights aspect of the law and the many lawsuits coming from the states.

One way around the courts would be to allow the states to opt out of Obamacare. Of course SCROTUS can't really do that, so he's saying that states can take over their local franchise in the Obamacare boondoggle if they satisfy some requirements...

Of course it's up to the feds to verify that the states are playing nice, and that could vary from administration to administration...

That's my take.

Tecumseh said...

Still too complicated. Occam's razor sez: scratch it.

Mr roT said...

From now on only Tecsian logic? A=>A.

Tecumseh said...

At least, that's correct.