Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tecs plans his revenge...


Tecumseh said...

6. Talk on the phone after the plane has left the gate. Not turning your phone off is a surefire way to make the cabin crew go berserk.

And moi. Especially moi.

Mr roT said...

What do you think of those four gigantic turbines idling there on the ramp while you're inside, participating in the senseless, infuriating habit of sitting in a vehicle while it's idling?

Why don't you ask the Stew. to shut the goddam engines off, Tecs?

Also, why didn't you remind me to post a Stew. babe? You ought to pay for that.

Tecumseh said...

I just console myself with the thought that those four gigantic turbines were invented by Coanda, and that fact is driving you bonkers.

There is a Romanian saying for that: "A nail drives off another nail" (or words to that effect).

Mr roT said...