Sunday, December 18, 2011

Another Reminder of the Problem With Romney

He is very much establishment oldguard, utterly comfortable with that nexus of Versailles and its Corporatist branch. With consistently no evidence whatsoever of getting what the Stinking Peasants are about, or of having the wit to imagine it with some accuracy [unlike, say, Gingrich, who is inconsistent but gets it right far more often]. So he is beloved by the Establishment. Whattasurprise.
But if he is nominated, then he will be as effective a campaigner as Bush Sr. or Dole, and should he eke a win he will have no more will to undo Obamacare [very much the spawn of his "vision"] than the House of Bush had to reevaluate our indebtedness to Ever Our Friends and Allies the Saudis. And Obamacare is the keystone to AmeriSoc's ambition to "fundamentally transform" this nation.

Now how, as very much a peasant stuck in steerage, do I get off this Titanic alive?


Mr roT said...

When I say that Mitt Romney is the kind of loser that Iowans will support, I know whereof I speak.


Tecumseh said...

Bob Dole is still alive? Good for him -- somehow I thought he had departed this valley of tears already.

I was extremely disappointed by his campaign with Jack Kemp in 1996. But then again, if Newt had played his cards better after the victory in 1994, maybe Dole woulda have had a chance then, and spared us the Monica ordeal (and the rise of Bin Laden, which occurred, unchecked, during Clinton's second term -- let's not forget that).

And, before we heap too much scorn and derision on old men like Bob Dole (or Bush Sr), let's not forget they were part of the Great Generation, who got off their keisters and went to fight mano-a-mano with the Axis powers, when the going was rough. Can you imagine any of the current crop of national politicians ever doing something like that (except MacCain -- he's the last of that breed)? I can't.

Arelcao Akleos said...

I can imagine Palin.... and that's the problem with this group..... I guess I could imagine a young Ron Paul also, but what that tells us I don't have the foggiest.