Saturday, December 17, 2011

Bill Kristol smoking hash?

...most sentient Republicans, and most conscientious conservatives, suspect we can do better than the current field. You don't say.

1 comment:

Tecumseh said...

Jonah Goldberg tries Cartesian Logic:

Ever the sailor, [Buckley] tacked with the winds and the seas he faced, but never lost sight of his ultimate destination on distant shores. These maneuvers often invited insults. He was constantly denounced by some on the right as a sell-out and an accommodationist, even as liberals demonized him as an extremist. The odd thing about today is that nostalgic liberals remember Buckley as some kind of moderate while nostalgic conservatives invoke him as some kind of unalloyed purist. The reality is that he was neither. Bill Buckley, like the magazine he founded, has always tried to balance the ideal with the practical, the perfect with the doable. I do not speak for my colleagues, but I’m confident than none of them believe the current crop of candidates is ideal. If we did, we would have written a very different editorial. All of us — you, me, everybody — are trying to chart our way through rougher waters than we would like, with candidates for the captain’s chair that leave us unsure.