Sunday, December 11, 2011

Duh. What's better with a mint julep than your neighbor's wife?

Us Southrons has to teach Yanktards eveahthang. Of course Tecs will start now with the US being a country devoted to momogamy, just like Mitt Romney, or something.


Mr roT said...

roT rips Paul for being a Kucinich clone. So what?

Tecumseh said...

“I think if you are consistent it speaks for itself,” Paul said. “You know nobody ever challenges me and I don’t have to brag about it either because everybody knows exactly what I’m going to do and exactly what I’ve done for 30 years.”

It's like roT doing \lesssims for the past 30 years. Duh.

Mr roT said...

Let's not talk about your ham-handed foray into Wronskyland, Tecs...