Saturday, December 03, 2011

Honecker is coming!

Run for your life, Mr Rot!

REGURGE: A 32-year-old Mexican national charged with a felony and traffic offenses after running a red light and then punching the police officer who arrested him, sending the officer to the hospital. On Sept. 7, 2011, he was released from Cook County despite an immigration detainer. And a zillion other cases like that. Ulululululululu!! Now Mr Rot is happy as a clam. That's the main point.


Tecumseh said...

Tecs' ?

Tecumseh said...

Rotter principles in full swing in California: let's give amnesty to 1 million illegal aliens. Wow! Why didn't anyone think of that before?

Mr roT said...

Cop probably had it coming.

Tecumseh said...

A 28-year-old Mexican national arrested in September and charged with criminal trespass to vehicles (misdemeanor), aggravated battery of a peace officer (felony), and battery-cause bodily harm (misdemeanor). She was released from Cook County two days after her arrest despite an immigration detainer.

This one too, according to you? Jeez, those Cook County cops surely are Honeckerian. Should send them to re-education camps, teach them not to interfere with car thieves or drivers running red lights if they are "undocumented workers", which gives total immunity from obeying any law, according to The Little Rotter Book.

Mr roT said...

They may have let him go for the usual reason they do: the charges would be dropped because he was pursued without probable cause...

It is not true that the whole border runs nice and clean like here in Vienna, Tecs, and the cops don't let thugs go because of their sensitivity training at Berkeley.

My experience there has little intersection with that world, and you don't know any more than me. Not sure how you assess without experience or information, and you might be right in the end, but, all this emotionalism from you seems misplaced.

Tecumseh said...

What part of "criminal trespass" and "aggravated battery of a peace officer" is unclear to you, Herr Rot? All that sophistry about not understanding the finer points of how to coddle illegal entrants into this country once they are caught committing felonies or worse is just a smokescreen. Noyer le poisson, as the French say.

Mr roT said...

A cop writes that shit down and you buy in real quick. LOL...

Tecumseh said...

Right, right. It's all a conspiracy by the Chicago cops to pick on these law-abiding quasi-citizens, who'd never, ever break the law, not even ab initio, when crossing the border stealthily.

Mr roT said...

Come toTexas, Tecs. The cops will kick the shit out of you for talking funny sometimes just to keep things interesting. Of course they're right since they're cops.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Go to Houston, Texas, and "Undocumented Citizens" will try to make a sieve out of you for not smiling when they run through the red light on the crosswalk. But then the coppers don't want to go through the shit of catching, and releasing, and then off temporarily to Mexico until the Gringo forgets, only to come back with better firepower next the coppers shrug their shoulders and tell you next time to smile when our Undocumented friends try to run you over on that crosswalk.
Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Arelcao Akleos said...

To be blunt, Houston cops can be shit. But the shit caused by the refusal to confront illegal immigration is orders of magnitude piled higher.

Mr roT said...

Yes, sure. America was in an age of innocence before the tortilla made its appearance there.

Thus the AIDS epidemic in Coahuila.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Your programming has been modified, NeoRott?

Mr roT said...

The dogs bark but the Macintosh runs on.