Thursday, December 15, 2011

Mr Rot goes to Yale


Mr roT said...

Tecs the immigrant opposes immigrants' voting.

It's like selflessness.

Tecumseh said...

Tecs the immigrant opposes immigrants' voting.
Rotter Logick in all it's splendor. So, in your epistemology, immigrant == (illegal immigrant) == (legal immigrant)?

Why nut just say (A implies ¬A), and be done with it? I can fill in the rest of your argument for you.

Mr roT said...

"Why nut"?

I was about to ask you the same question!

Tecumseh said...

As always, Mr Rot cuts to the chase. Not. Or Nut. Whatevah.

Tecumseh said...

Right-O, Herr Stramansky.

Mr roT said...
