Friday, December 09, 2011

Narcissism, self-righteousness, self-indulgence and intemperance


Mr roT said...

Hah, I thought this would be about Obama until I saw "intemperance." I thought, "There's someone that thinks Obama has enough character to be intemperate?"

Ahh, Newt, if the shoe fits...

What a black period we're in; the only real negative attribute of the only candidate mouths respect for individual rights and looks competent is the attribute that would possibly trump exactly those individual rights and would make the competence worrisome.

Barone is wrong though. Gingrich is untrustworthy because he's arrogant. He will likely think he knows better when he disagrees with the stoopid hick-ass Constitution.

Tecumseh said...

Hah! I first thought of making the title more explicit, or perhaps add explanations in the text, but then I said to myself -- nah, let the reader figure it out.

Note that 3 out of 4 could also be said of Bubba -- yes?

Mr roT said...

Goddamned right; good obs.

Bubba didn't fool with self-righteousness. That wouldn't've flown too good when he tried it while walking out of a whorehouse or something, now would it've?